Our kittens are leaving home when they are at least 13-14 weeks old. Kittens that are sold as pets are all neutered, with no possible exception (about early sterilization, click here).

They are living in their families with :

-A sales contract and invoice,

-His certificate of vaccination (primary and booster vaccination). The kitten will of ourse had been dewormed several times before his departure

-The property ICAD document on the electronic identification of kitten

-A copy of the request for the pedigree (you will receive it later with acknowledgment of receipt)

-A copy of the parents tests

-An information sheet about the wellness of your kitten

-A kitten bag containing with toys and food.

A kitten born at home is sold 1300€, regardless of his color, sex, or the mating from which he is coming from.



Kittens for breeding :


We are selling kittens for breed only after long conversations with breeders and deep thoughts. However, we are selling breeding kittens only to breeders who are sharing the same breeding vision and philosophy than us. Breeders are required to have an affix.

Kittens for breed are sold 20000 euros

The kitten leave the cattery with his own dna tests and his fiv/felv test done

Regarding the fact that in France, all the pedigrees must be made by the Loof, we can also ask a Fife pedigree if you request it

About kittens who are going to leave abroad, the kittens will leave after 21 days following the rabies vaccination. They will have an EU passport.

Our kitten must travel to you only with petcourrier; no cargo please

siret : 51744572200021

Adhérent au SNPCC, je disose d'un service de procédure amiable. En ce qui concerne le mediateur, j'informe mon client

que le médiateur de ma profession est

Yves Legeais

médiateur de la consommation aupres du SNPCC

22 boulevard A. Millerand

44200 Nantes


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